Controlled Assessment is now in but Year 11 Drop in clinics continue to support GCSE content - every Friday lunchtime in N16                        Geographer of the Year competition deadline this week! - 14th October!                                It was lovely to see so many Year 11 's at the open evening last week - please see your teacher if you have any particular questions about the A'level.

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     “Geography is the subject which holds the key to our future” - Michael Palin

Head of Department - Mr R Chambers

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 Year 11 Homework Timetable Feb-May 2016

You are now at the crucial stage of your course when you need to be combining revision with the development of exam technique.

 From now until you leave you will have a weekly homework of one exam question from the past paper booklet. Remember what you have learnt from your mock exam; read all parts of a question, look at command words carefully, define key terms fully and make good use of PSD.

The topic of the homework questions set for each week matches that of the topic that is being covered in revision sessions that week

Plan your time carefully and don’t waste this opportunity to revise and practise exam technique.

You can obviously do as many past questions as you like from the booklets (there are more available on line) but you MUST keep up to date in completing those set for homework.

GCSE Blog Year 11 Homework Timetable Year 11 Homepage